Recycling Revolution: How APJ Is Leading the Charge in Plastic Waste Management

Plastic waste is one of the most urgent environmental crises of our time. We dump millions of tons of plastic waste into landfills and oceans every year. But as awareness on this issue has grown, so too has our need for effective and sustainable solutions. While many companies and governments are racing to manage this crisis, APJ Recycling leads the pack with their plastic waste management services that are innovative, sustainably friendly, and most importantly-they work.

For over 41 years, APJ Recycling-now a family-owned company in North Texas’ Dallas-Fort Worth area-has been at the forefront of this recycling revolution. And it’s not just about how they can help companies manage waste-it’s how they turn it into resources for the future.

How APJ Recycling is at the forefront of plastic waste management and how their work is making businesses, and the world, more sustainable.

The Growing Need for Effective Plastic Waste Management

Before we get into exactly how APJ Recycling is helping, let’s take a look at just how big of a problem plastic waste really is. Every year approximately 8 million tons of plastic enters our oceans, over 300 million tons of plastic produced globally with much of it ending up in landfills or being incinerated. Despite efforts to improve recycling rates, only a tiny fraction of the plastic produced is able to be effectively recycled.

The reason behind this are many forms in which plastic is not easily or cost-effectively recycled. In fact post-industrial plastic waste in particular has long been viewed as nothing more than a liability to companies requiring expensive disposal and/or ending up in landfills. Enter APJ Recycling with its unique offerings helping companies properly manage and re-purpose their waste becoming part of the circular economy itself.

The APJ Recycling Approach: Turning Waste Into Opportunity

APJ Recycling provides multiple services that are built to support businesses with managing their plastic waste in the most efficient and sustainable way that can be. Not only do they recycle, but also reuse and repurpose plastic materials into new products through the use of innovative technologies and eco-friendly practices. APJ Recycling works towards ensuring that material doesn’t get lost as waste, but rather gets reintroduced as a valued component back into the manufacturing process.

Now, let’s take a deep dive into exactly how APJ Recycling is transforming the plastic recycling industry:

Plastic Grinding and Toll Processing

One of the primary services provided by APJ Recycling is plastic grinding, which is done by way of size reduction – breaking plastic products down into smaller manageable pieces, prior to reaching the recycling facility. Size reduction or ‘grinding’ serves to prohibit contamination (removing all undesired contaminants before initiating processing in order to avoid issues with final product quality), pre-treat (reduce particle size making it possible to process very high molecular weight / viscosity materials) or prepare for recycling (revert plastic back to a pellet form).

Toll processing allows manufacturers/processors etc. the ability to ship large quantities of industrial plastic scrap/recycling directly from their local facility to our toll grinding location.

Grinding & Toll processing makes it possible for plastics recycling used to recycle their excess product & reduce their dependence on virgin plastic along with reducing the environmental foot print. The best way to deal with your waste and landfill reduction.

Full Circle Recycle Programs

APJ Recycling’s Full Circle Recycle Programs provide companies with one-stop-shopping to achieve their waste reduction and sustainability goals. Companies ship their post-industrial plastics directly to APJ Recycling, where they are processed into new raw material.

What makes these programs particularly powerful is their focus on the circular economy. By sending no waste plastics to landfill and instead giving them a second-life, the Full Circle Recycle Program eliminates environmental harm while also reducing a company’s solid waste disposal costs and improving their overall sustainability performance.

Innovative Services for Specialized Needs

1. Product Destruction

If your business deals with expired, damaged or recalled products, APJ Recycling provides product destruction for those items which need to be destroyed in a safe and secure manner meeting industry compliance standards keeping some items from having any sensitive information or molding ending up in the wrong spotlight. Many times the material of these products can be turned back into a raw material therefore cutting down on waste.

2. Landfill Diversion

Landfills can be detrimental to the environment, causing both pollution and the consumption of valuable land space. Our landfill diversion solutions aim to decrease the amount of waste that finds its way into landfills by promoting reuse and recycling of plastics instead. By diverting waste from landfills, businesses can reduce their impact on the environment as well as enhance compliance with regulations surrounding waste.

3. PET Recycling

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is one of the most commonly used plastics in existence, appearing in everything from drinks bottles to food packaging. However, it’s also one of the most problematic plastics to recycle properly. APJ Recycling specializes in PET recycling, ensuring that these materials are put to good use once they’ve been recycled. PET can be recycled into a number of products including new bottles and packaging or even textiles.

4. Plastic Shredding

APJ Recycling can also provide plastic shredding for businesses that produce large volumes of plastic waste. Shredding the plastic makes it easier to process and recycle while also making it easier to store and transport the material. By providing this service APJ Recycling ensure even the most difficult of plastics waste is treated in an environmentally sustainable way.

The Road Ahead: A More Sustainable Future

As we look toward the future, recycling and waste management will only become increasingly vital. APJ Recycling is here to show that businesses can transform plastic waste into opportunity-not detriment-while helping to protect our planet. With a history of impact and a commitment to progress, APJ Recycling is set to lead for many years ahead.

Through partnering with APJ Recycling, your business will do more than cut down on plastic waste in the world. It’ll help shape a sustainable tomorrow for all who follow.


The recycling revolution is here and APJ Recycling is leading the way. With our innovative services and plastic waste management solutions we can help your company be more sustainable and reduce your impact on the environment.

Want to be part of the solution? Contact us today to find out how you can get involved in the recycling revolution and help us into a greener future.

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